DAP Pinggiran Pengkalan Branch held its Annual General Meeting today. The speaker assigned by DAP Perak State Committee to chair the AGM was co-opted State Committee Member Cheah Poh Hean. In the said AGM a new Committee term 2011~2012 were elected. MP for Ipoh Barat M.kula’s special officer Frankie Wong took office as Chairman of the said branch.
滨其然支部的常年大会大致上顺利举行,其中只在谢氏致开幕词时的错误引述,为上述本为平淡的常年大会增添了一点点花絮。谢氏在演词中错误的把我国首相纳吉所雇佣作为设计及推展“一个马来西亚”概念的APCO WORLDWIDE误指为以色列公司,引起了与会的支部党员一阵哗然。当谢氏被党员告知APCO WORLDWIDE并非以色列公司,而只是曾经负责为以色列政府设计“一个以色列”的顾问公司后,谢氏即场向大会道歉,并感谢党员们的提点和纠正。
The AGM was smoothly conducted except for one small incident where Cheah wrongfully addressed APCO Worldwide, the consultant company engaged by Najib to promote “1 Malaysia” as an Israelis Company which brings about a burst of laughter amongst members from the floor. When corrected by members that APCO Worldwide is not an Israelis Company but just also engaged by the Israelis Government to promote “1 Israel”, Cheah apologized to the floor and thanks members for correcting him.
Frankie Wong in his speech thanks all branch members for their trust and support. He promises to do with his utmost capability to build up Pinggiran Pengkalan branch during his term in office. Frankie also reminded Party Leaders to do their homework before addressing the public. Giving speeches with incorrect facts not only disgrace the Party’s image but will also be evilly manipulated by Barisan Nasional to run down DAP.
主席:黄润松 副主席:钟佛兴
秘书:陈丽娥 副秘书:钟家雯
Below is the summary of office bearers of DAP Pinggiran Pengkalan Branch:
Chairman: Frankie Wong Vice Chairman: Leonard Choong
Secretary: Teresa Chan Asst. Secretary: Carman Choong
Treasurer: Lee Soi Mooi
Publicity Secretary: Felicia Wong
Wanita Affair: Salina Chan
Committee Member: Kok Heok Meng, Hong Mee Chin
Auditor: Elvin Lim, Esther Wong
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