I became a DAP member during my young days several years ago. Although age is catching up, my concern for the Party’s future is never diluted. I participate in every DAP Perak State Convention in the capacity of an observer, hoping to eye witness the up coming of brilliant new generations Perak leaders. Regrettably I had failed to participate in quite a number of DAP National Congress conducted outside Perak due physical health reason although I do miss all the National leaders which I had work together before.
Thanks god this year’s National Congress was held in Ipoh, this is my golden opportunity to meet up with National Leaders as well as New Generation Leaders. On that early morning, I dressed up in my dust-covered Party uniform, put on my Rocket badge where paintwork is peeling off and rush to the venue at Syuen Hotel.
After all these years, I finally got the chance to meet old comrades like Dr. Chen Man Hin, Karpal Singh, Lim Kit Siang and Tan Kok Wai. I also run in to new generation Party leaders whom I have only heard of their names through the media and I was just over joy at that moment.
Regrettably, a successful National Congress was jeopardized by one selfish, shameless evil being who resulted to the early departure of more the 50% of delegates and observers leaving in protest. Due to my old age, I can’t really indentify this evil being by sight but do over heard his name to be something like Teh Puk Kee or similar tone to it. We all understand that the Congress’s platform is meant for members to express their views and ideas for the Country and the Party’s future. Instead of expressing positive views or ideas, this evil being abused the Congress for his personal agenda to rundown Party leaders.
As a grassroots member lacking proper resources of evidence, I might not be in a position to comment on his accusation regarding Party leaders mishandling RM 30,000 of branch’s fund. As for the accusation on not using DAP logo in Party activities, it is a total lie created by this evil being to damage the good names of Party leaders. After reconfirming with numerous younger comrades, it is confirmed that baby Rocket was printed on each and every banner that this evil being had demonstrate. This clearly proof the intension of this evil being for his behavior at the congress is to carry out Political Murder to Party leaders.
I might be old but there is no way I can tolerate the existence of such evil being in the Party. After gathering of sufficient information from other comrades, I discover that this evil being was actually denied by Party members during the last State Convention in 2008. He lost Party election by vast majority but manage to sneak through the back door and return to the main stream of power in Perak DAP. Since then this evil being had been overriding his superior although his position is only the assistance secretary of that particular Portfolio. He had put his superior in deep embarrassment by abusing his power to the extreme.
I hope the present leadership of Perak DAP will precious the foundation laid by previous leaders who have shed their sweat and tears for today’s achievement. Leaders must not be carried away by evil being who only knows how to please them. In time of dedication and up bringing of potential members, good leaders must not only engage the closest but should allow the best to win. Otherwise the Party’s instability which will eventually leads to a downfall can never be too far away. The behavior of this evil being at the Congress had proven himself to be a cancerous growth in the Party and must be removed immediately before further damage occurs. I call upon the Disciplinary Committee to take appropriate action including expulsion against this evil being. Although the Party is hungry for good Party members, we just can’t tolerate such nuisance continuing to exist in the Party which will eventually bring the Party to a route of no return.