倪可汉在文告中指出,当初马汉顺向他作出挑战时曾经表示,上述辩论的时间和地点任由民联选择。倪氏说当时民联决定派出倪可敏与马汉顺进行辩论,并把时间定在1/11/10晚上8点于太平广东会馆礼堂进行,由第七电视台的Lee Siad Huey主持。当时虽然马汉顺坚持要与倪可汉进行辩论,可是他从来没有反对辩论的时间和地点。
Media Statement
Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir, BN Menteri Besar for Perak confirms that Dato’ Mah Hang Soon is not authorized to represent BN Perak Government to debate with Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham. It also confirms the fact that Dato’ Mah has no say in the BN Perak State Government.
Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir, BN Menteri Besar for Perak has confirmed in his statement to the media that the debate between Dato’ Mah Hang Soon and me does not concern him at all implying that Dato’ Mah does not represent the BN State Government in the debate.
His statement confirms my early assertion that Dato’ Mah Hang Soon does not have any say over Perak BN policies and does not have the authority to represent the Perak BN Government.
Dato’ Mah Hang Soon must apologise to the public for giving the impression that he can represent the BN Perak Government to debate with Perak PR.
I have wanted to debate with him the policies of BN and PR that have been implemented and also the proposed programs that BN and PR will be carrying out for the people of Perak
The people are not interested in what Dato’ Mah Hang Soon or I have to say. They would like to see how the policies of BN and PR will benefit them.
Dato’ Mah is now trying again to find an excuse to avoid the debate. He is now saying that the venue, time and moderator appointed for the 1st November debate are not suitable.
I would like to remind Dato’ Mah that when he put forth his challenge he had stated that he was ready to debate anytime anywhere. PR Perak accepted the challenge and has authorized YB Nga Kor Ming to take up the challenge and fixed 8.00 pm 1st November 2010 for the debate at Kwantung Association Hall at Taiping with NTV 7 Miss Lee Siad Huey as the moderator.
Dato’ Mah Hang Soon then give an excuse that he will only debate with me and not YB Nga Kor Ming. He had never objected to the time, venue or the moderator.
I will wait for Dato’ Mah at time and venue that has been fixed and hope he with get the mandate from BN Perak State Government to debate with me.
Dated this 26th day of October 2010.
- Chairman of DAP Perak
- MP for Beruas &
- State Assemblyman for Sitiawan